Rural communities face many problems, not least of which can be interruptions to the power supply.
Why not get together with your neighbours and wire up your community to renewable energy sources – you can even sell any excess back to the grid!
You will find grants or loans available towards the price of setting up: Wind Generators, Wood Fuel Heating (Biomass), Ground Source Warmth Pumps, Photovoltaic Energy (Thermal Warm Water & Photovoltaics, Photovoltaic Electricity), Small-scale Hydro, Air Source Warmth Pumps. To become qualified to get a minimal Carbon Structures Programme Grant you have to make use of a Licensed Installer along with a Licensed Product. Alva Surveyors Surveyors will gladly counsel you on grants or loans and technical particulars.
The next (Combined Warmth & Energy) technologies may also be eligible for a funding once accredited contractors and items become available.
Applications for a grant are welcome from private individuals who own their own home or farmhouse and reside in properties located within England, Wales, Northern Ireland or Scotland (excluding the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands). Or get together with your local neighbours and switch to renewables? Alva Surveyors will be pleased to give a presentation to your community or community council about how renewable energy sources could save you all money and generate a local income.
Concerned about huge windfarms appearing on every horizon? Install photovoltaics in your community instead! Low profile, unobtrusive, no moving parts to wear out! Alva Surveyors manufacture and install Photovoltaics to order.